Enjoy Flight Training From Expert Instructors

Experience A Spectacular Air Experience in a Bantam

Flying People In The Hoedspruit Area

Ever thought of taking to the skies in a microlight?

Or even about learning how to fly?

This no longer needs to be a flight of fancy…

Let us show you how at Leading Edge Flight School.

Choose Your Experience

You have the option to just sit back, experience the flight with an amazing view.  You can have a hands-on experience from your very first flight. We also have a variety of flight lengths available.  

Choose Your Aeroplane

With our introductory flights you have a choice of either experiencing flying in a microlight (the two seater Bantam B22J) or a light sport aeroplane (the two seater Jabiru SP).

Ideal Location

We are perfectly situated to offer some of the best flying in the world. The weather is near perfect year-round, and extremely diverse scenery is situated within a short flight of the airfield.  The airfield that we operate from is Hoedspruit Civil, which is the only airfield in the country situated in the middle of a town.